Indigenous Justice

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Ngaga-Dji: Hear Me

This year our first Indigenous Justice Team will support the solutions of the KYC's Ngaga-dji: hear me project, which voices the experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in Victoria’s youth justice system.

The project has been run in partnership with the Koorie Youth Council, the representative body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people in Victoria.

Keep an eye out here for our upcoming report.

Constitutional recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples


Australia was founded on genocide. And in big and small ways everyday, first nations peoples are confronted with the consequences. Our founding document, the Constitution, is just one example of an institution that perpetuates racism and colonial power.

In January 2015, we made a submission on behalf of Liberty Victoria to the Joint Select Committee on Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Our submission emphasised the current inconsistencies in the Constitution and protections that could be incorporated into the Constitutional to better adhere to Australia’s international human rights obligations and moral responsibility to its first peoples.